Wednesday, December 31, 2008

The Philosophy of Sin.

Sin is the negation of the commands of God.You have sinned towards God and also towards humans whenever a law or code of ethics is broken .
There are however 3 different philosophys of sin.

1) Sin is inherited.
The first and original sin is the sin of Adam and Eve,This is the sin of disobeying Gods command not to eat the fruit of knowledge.
All Jews ,Christians and Muslims belief in this sin but they differ in that the Christians belief that the original sin is inherited by all humans and that all humans can only be forgiven by God only though or by praying to Jesus, because Jesus is according to them,the son of God.
Jews ,Muslims,Hindus and other religions ofcourse do not belief in such kind of philosophy of sin.With this philosophy of sin the Christians managed to have monopoly over Gods fogiveness and Heaven.Whether this philosopy is true or false is irrelevant, but it certainly is a clever way of playing a game of monopoly and and politics.

2) Sin is not inherited.
The second philosophy of sin as beliefed by Muslims and other religions is that a child is born sinless and the only sin when they have grown to recognise the ethics and law of God from the people who teach them.
This philosophy is easier to understand and is without strings attached. The rational of Jesus having to carry other peoples sin is not very logical.Everyone should shoulder theier own responsibility to sin or not to sin.What justice is there if someone else suould carry someone else sin.
This philosophy of sin therefore turns upside down the the Christians philosophy.

3) There is no Sin
The third philosophy of sin is one that is undestood and believed by the philosophers, Sufis and gnostics of every religion.This philosophy of sin is based on the unity of God. God is the creator of all things. He created the angels and also created the satans.This makes Him the originator of good and bad. Verses of the Quran point to the fact that it is He who guides whoever he wishes and it is He too who misguides whomever he wishes.This makes us humans very like robots, or as stated in the Quran ..a slave of God..without a will power of his own. God is said to be the creator of all including how your brain functions.
Thus having lost their ability to sin,they do not think of heaven or hell.They only ask for God. Good and evil is distinguished as what is stated in the Books of God.One is punished for sins by the laws of a government.
On the other hand the philosophers have argued that, our ability to sin is dependent on the conditioning of our brain.Threfore it is society that is responsible for our sin, for having programmed us as such, whether a Muslim,Christian,Hindum or an atheist.
There is also a philosophy said to be taht of Shakespear, thatt "We are all actors. The world is a stage ,and God is the Director".

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

All Religions Unite !

O you who are Christians,Muslims,Jews,Hindus and Bhuddist,
You say you worship the One God,
You say you do good and forbid evil,
You speak as one.
And yet you fight each other.
Do you not understand what you say ?
Cease and decease the cruel thoughts from the devil,
That say you are better hollier.
Religions are percentages of the Truth,
But understanding is also in percentages,
What good is a religion thats 100%,
If your understanding is 10%,
Many a religion started with 100%,
but ended at 10 %.
Its not the books that have changed,
But it is the interpretations that have changed.
The teachings were all pure good.
But the intention were not.
There is none more fair than the concept of heaven and hell of Hindus and Bhuddists,
I would accuse God of being unfair to me if I was a cripple.
Unless I be reincarnated,perfect.
Do you not see how logical reincarnation is ?
Leave them to continue thier logical religion,
They are "the people of the book"
You say you worship one God,Yet you worship your prophets besides God.
Have you not made Jesus equal to God ?
Have you not made the books of the Ulamas equal to the Quran ?
Have you not made the Thalmud equal to the Torah ?
You say you do not worship idols,
Then why the cross and the cube,and the race ?
There is equality in all religions,
There is similiarities in all religions.
Take the good in all religions,
Leave the bad in all religions.
Say religion are percentages of the Truth,
Say Man is also percentages of the Truth.
Say your mission is to do good and forbid evil.
Are you not similar in mission ?
Dont you pray to the same God ?
Why then cant you unite ?

Monday, December 29, 2008

Oh Muslims ! Think !

Oh you Muslims all over the world,
You were once one nation and united.
Now you are many and disunited.
You were once mighty and conqured,
Now you are weak and is conqured.
You have vast wealth in your land
Yet you do not know how to get at it,
Letting Jews, Chistians get at it.
And are satisfied with handouts.
Are you inferior humans as compared to the Jews and Christians ?
Yeah, you are inferior to Japanese,Chinese and Indians,In sciences and knowledge.
You have lagged behind most other deens.
That is because you betrayed Allah
And Allah then betrays you.
You have made the AlQuran a constitution unused.
Other books were constitutionalised instead.
You mock Allah with a hadith,
Saying Allah flip flopped,
Having planned 50 solats.
Bukhari,Muslim lied.
And you uphold their books.
Is not the Quran complete?
Is it weakened without the hadith ?
Does Allah need partners to explain His deen ?

You have kafirnomics instead of Islamnomics.
You adopted riba instead of rejecting it.
An Islamic Bank with riba money you beget.
Gold is replaced with paper.

Your source of jurispudence was one.
Now it is many and ammendments made easy.
That is easy when one book becomes two and more.
The word of man equals and supercedes the word of Allah.
Thus "the powers that be" makes and breaks Gods laws.

Many things have become false."
La iqra fi deen" has become the oposite.
Boiling water is poured over heads uncovered.
Where is the God of Love and Forgiveness ?
Where is BismillahiRahmaniRahim ?

Real art has become abstract art.
Real money has become paper.
Hedonism has replaced God.
Is love of God more than love of wealth ?
Or is it the other way ?
True lovers of God do not accumulate wealth.
True lovers of Democracy do not accumulate wealth.
Thats Capitalism and Hedonism.
Governments serve God by serving the people.
Knowledgeable people elects knowledgeble leaders.
What people elects robbers as leaders ?

Monday, December 22, 2008

The Truth of Religion

Religion is a picture Truth through your eyes, as taught by your clerics,Ulamas,Padres,Rabais,monks atc.Each has its own version of Truth very like the story of the blind men and the elephant.Ignorance of God is very like a perxon who is blind trying to understand how an elephant looks like. Oane blind man says taht the elephant is like a tree,after holdind its leg. Another says it is ;ike a giant snake after holding irs tusk.another says,it is like a huge rock after holging its belly.None of these blindman have got the true picture of rhe elephant. yet it is necessary for the defination of the elephant according to how they feel or guess about it.All rhese blind people sall not get the true picture of the elephanr unless they combine all their pictures together. That verily is how religion is defined according to each religions defination.But verilyi the true picture of Gods religion is not complete until you have put together all the pictures together.Even so it is still not complete because you have to seive through the corruption inherent in the different opinions. You therefore need Gods help.You have to ask from God the true picture of religion.However we still could not acertain its true picture.Therefore we get what we can out of similiar definations of Truth or a concensus of Truth.The general concensus of Thruh is as follows 1) God is one. It cannot be more than one because the nomber one is before the other numbers,All other numbers or gods are but blurred pictures perceptions of the original God. Getting the original God and praying and asking from him is the pinnacle of the knowledge of God. 2) Besides knowledge of god religion also teaches us the values of good.These values of good is reflected in the culture among the people of a particular religion. If the culture is good,the undestanding is good, if it is bad ,then there is a corruption in the religion. Every religion is susseptible yo corruption of its teachings,because Syaitan is alway trying to distort the truth

Sunday, December 21, 2008

The Truth or Haqiqah of Pak Yeh

The purpose of this blog is to refine and illuminate the pictures of truth to which mankind are programmed to picture by the powers that be.
If the powers that be are bad than bad is the picture in everyones mind,and if the powers that be is good, than good is the picture in everyones mind. This pictures in the mind is then translated into actions and becomes a tradition and culture.
However, there are times when what is bad is considered good and what is good gets eliminated. We witness this in history within our own comunity and outside our comunity.Truth simbolised by light, gets corrupted gradually and Falsehood simbolised by darkness gradually creeps in. Its veryly like day and night.

The purpose of this blog is to uncover the veils over our eyes so that more light/truth can be seen, appreciated and practiced as our tradition and culture.Man is often blinded from the Truth and befote he dies he has to search for it to become a better man and create a better worl for himself and the future generation.Otherwise and opportunity is lost and our world wiil be a falsehood instead of truth,darkness instead of light, hell instrad of heaven.