Monday, December 22, 2008

The Truth of Religion

Religion is a picture Truth through your eyes, as taught by your clerics,Ulamas,Padres,Rabais,monks atc.Each has its own version of Truth very like the story of the blind men and the elephant.Ignorance of God is very like a perxon who is blind trying to understand how an elephant looks like. Oane blind man says taht the elephant is like a tree,after holdind its leg. Another says it is ;ike a giant snake after holding irs tusk.another says,it is like a huge rock after holging its belly.None of these blindman have got the true picture of rhe elephant. yet it is necessary for the defination of the elephant according to how they feel or guess about it.All rhese blind people sall not get the true picture of the elephanr unless they combine all their pictures together. That verily is how religion is defined according to each religions defination.But verilyi the true picture of Gods religion is not complete until you have put together all the pictures together.Even so it is still not complete because you have to seive through the corruption inherent in the different opinions. You therefore need Gods help.You have to ask from God the true picture of religion.However we still could not acertain its true picture.Therefore we get what we can out of similiar definations of Truth or a concensus of Truth.The general concensus of Thruh is as follows 1) God is one. It cannot be more than one because the nomber one is before the other numbers,All other numbers or gods are but blurred pictures perceptions of the original God. Getting the original God and praying and asking from him is the pinnacle of the knowledge of God. 2) Besides knowledge of god religion also teaches us the values of good.These values of good is reflected in the culture among the people of a particular religion. If the culture is good,the undestanding is good, if it is bad ,then there is a corruption in the religion. Every religion is susseptible yo corruption of its teachings,because Syaitan is alway trying to distort the truth

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